Discover our Clinic and our story

  • Island Life

    Coming from a small island in the Outer Hebrides, where community, physical work and outdoor pursuits are the way of life it has always been natural to combine physical and mental wellbeing with lifestyle is a synergistic way. Increasingly, this is being recognised as an example of the ‘Biopsychosocial model’ of health; where not just physical health but also environment, social participation- purpose and mental health are all valued as markers of health. This is why getting to know my client’s needs is so essential; having all the puzzle pieces allows us to approach a solution from many angles. I consider it a luxury of my profession that I can take the time to both understand my client’s needs, and be part of their journey to recovery.

  • Creating a Clinic

    Over the course of 6 years I both studied at Scottish Massage Schools and worked 6 days a week in an osteopathy clinic, working alongside osteopaths as well as running my own clinic. As a naturally curious person, continuing education and engaging with the latest scientific research motivates me to continue learning and striving to be an effective practitioner. How lucky am I to have both the mental challenge, and a physical job that gets me away from the desk?

  • 2020

    Northwest Massage Clinic was established after a big move to Lancashire during the Covid-19 Pandemic - just one week before the first lockdown! The transition to online bookings and going paper-free with clinic notes has been made possible with the extra time out of clinical practice. This had been an opportunity for reviewing the service and adapting to new requirements. Now I’m keen to get back to what I enjoy most and treat the North West!

  • 2021

    Manipulative Therapy! The first time in ages it has been safe to get together with others in the summer of 2021 and I do more studying! Back to the books for manipulation in Manchester. (Also, one week of respite back home in the islands).

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